FAQ | Botolon



What exactly is Botolon and how does it work?

Botolon is a Facebook-based service that automates comment and message replying. It may be used for a variety of purposes, and we are always striving to improve it and add new features.

Is it possible that botolon will cause my Facebook account to be suspended?.

Definitely not. Botolon is a completely legal service that has already been reviewed and approved by the Facebook app review team, so you don't have to worry about your account or pages when you use botolon.

Do I have to create accounts for all of my Facebook pages if I have more than one?

No, you sign up with your Facebook account, and you can easily manage all of your pages from the same account.

Is that how it works? I'll buy one plan and use it across all of my pages?

No, it is not true. You must purchase a single-page plan that will only work on that page.

Is that how it works? I'll buy one plan and use it across all of my pages?

No, it is not true. You must purchase a single-page plan that will only work on that page.